Hey Phil happy Monday and thank you for the thoughtful questions.

20 Mar 2023, 15:54
Hey Phil happy Monday and thank you for the thoughtful questions! We have been working incredibly hard and strategically in the background and are just so close to announcing many major announcements. I wish there was more that I could share, but we want to make sure these deals go through and that we're under promising and over delivering. We also want to be very timely with the announcements and make sure we're putting out news like this in a good market cycle. We want the best for all of our holders. I'll answer your questions briefly here: Mogul has downsized its development team but has talent that works internally and externally as contractors as product managers, full stack developers, front end, back end, and smart contract developers. We're lucky to not only have great internal talent, but excellent external partners as well where we can scale up and down based on timing requirements or budget changes. In terms of what they are working on, people need to remember that Mogul as a platform is nearly fully developed. The tools being worked on right now that the community cannot really see are built for filmmakers to monetize their NFT rights using our Creator Portal and making that more user friendly for them. That is where Mogul will generate revenue and is where the primary focus is, as outlined in our 2023 Roadmap. In terms of the Metaverse, you may have seen that Meta (Facebook) recently dropped all of their NFT activities. This has been worked on by our team from a strategy and product perspective but due to the market conditions, as also outlined in our 2023 roadmap, active development for user-based features is not being prioritized right now. This could change fluidly. Our developers use the agile development method. We define sprints. We break sprints into tasks. Those tasks get assigned "Work Points" and we aim to finish more "Work Points" week after week in an agile methodology. In terms of budget, as put in the roadmap, we've downsized the team and are being strategic with marketing dollars to make sure that Mogul has sufficient runway. In terms of your PR questions, we are happy with the amount of communication we're giving in terms of the Roadmap we put out at the beginning of the year and making announcements when they are ready to be announced. Quarterly updates, if substantive, will be provided of course. Exclusive Twitter Spaces with Erik would be difficult as Twitter does not allow for that functionality as I am aware but we are open to other suggestions. It's important to keep this to holders only, because many of our partners in the film industry, upon seeing some of the chatter in channels like this, are very uncomfortable speaking in here. This was exacerbated when certain team members were DM'd privately on their social channels by community members with threats, so that is a reason why you may have noticed the core team is quieter in here lately and sticking to our official communication channels to provide substantive updates. In terms of an additional Goodie, I think Mogul really overdelivered in terms of what holders were given when they purchased Mogies during the sale, so it's unlikely there will be an additional bonus given that's outside of the current roadmap for the series. Meet and Greats: these will come naturally through the roadmap cycle of Mogies and the movies on Mogul where Mogies holders will be selected to come and people like Erik will be invited. It's unlikely we will do a specific event for this and take time away from the day to day and what we are accomplishing just to pass the time. If the market conditions become better, this is an option, but we all need to remember the size of Mogul.